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A lab, a workshop, and a bunch of innovators.

sounds like the beginning of a joke, but its actually all we have!




Kadabra was invented, developed and produced in full by Tal Ben Ari (aka Tribal Tul), a former DJ/Live performer in over 500 shows world-wide, a technology freak and mostly a programmer from a very young age (very young)!

Kadabra’s first idea came while Tul was working with his innovation partner Ori Ben-Shabat in the hi-tech dance company Maria-Kong, around 2009-2010. Maria-Kong created extremely unique performances using the most advance technologies the couple could wield in that period, every day was a new struggle, exploring new technologies to blow peoples mind. while most innovations required dancers to be equipped with ergonomic electronics, the company (Maria-Kong) never wanted to reveal why the dancers look so much in tune and in rhythm with the music, it was just Magic! never used as a marketing gimmick to draw peoples attention, Maria-Kong needed more and more sensors and tech in its worldwide shows becoming a cutting edge phenomenon in its genre, so Tul created an OS to receive new technologies and use them in a stable and robust way. and that is still the base of Kadabra-OS, the program that communicates and translates Kadabra to a musical tool.

Right after paying for a Kadabra music workstation , you’ll receive an email from us with your personal user area access, so you’ll be able to download the latest Kadabra bundle.

Kadabra bundle has the same features both for Mac and Windows, it comes with an easy installation of KadabraOS, Kadabra Player, Kadabra Virtual Midi, Kadabra Samplers (by IMI), the Surge XT virtual synth, and other presets to jump-start your experience.

your beautiful Kadabra will be shipped to your address or however you decided to receive it. Kadabra comes in a cardboard box that has wooden sides holding a long carrying strap, locks and a handle. inside the box are USB typeA-to-typeC cables, the TRBox (the wireless communication to USB piece), a strap (if not already attached), and of course… Your Kadabra 🙂

Buying a Tribal-Tools’ Kadabra WM, gives you full physical (mechanical and electronic) support through Tribal-Tools labs (contact us).

Any Kadabra instrument made by an Original Kadabra Manifestor (like IMI), entitles you digital support by Tribal-Tools, concerning KadabraOS, Kadabra Player, Kadabra’s virtual Midi port and other Tribal-Tools software element.

our practice


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Dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem qui aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequntur.

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